Shannon Lyons attempts to visually ‘unpack’ the complex relationships that exist between artistic content and context in her multidisciplinary practice. She continually adapts, draws from and responds to specifically located built environments, producing works which directly reference the site where they were made or are eventually exhibited.

Lyons graduated from Curtin University with a Bachelor of Art (Art) (First Class Honours) in 2008. She was selected to participate in the Fondazione Antonio Ratti Advanced Course in Visual Arts with visiting Professor Jimmie Durham in Como, Italy in 2004 and was a visiting scholar to the E’cole Nationale Supérieur d’Art de Dijon (ENSAD) in 2007/08. In 2012, Lyons participated in SOMA Summer in Mexico City, Mexico and, most recently, has participated in residencies at Moana Project Space (WA) and Sydney Non Objective (NSW). She is currently undertaking PhD research and is a sessional academic in the Department of Art at Curtin University.

You can find Shannon’s work at

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